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      콘텐츠 담당자 : 안전공학전공
      전화번호 : 031-740-7269
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      "화장품과 뷰티산업의 융합을 통한 창조적인 전문인력"

      생활수준의 향상으로 건강한 삶에 대한 욕구가 증가되면서 현대사회가 요구하는 화장품과 뷰티산업에 대한 체계적인 과학교육으로 창의적 전문 인재양성을 목적으로 한다.

      면허증 및 자격증

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      뷰티 관련 산업체(헤어, 피부, 네일, 메이크업, 두피관리 분야), 뷰티컨설턴트, 화장품제조판매관리업체, 화장품연구원, 화장품품질관리, 화장품마케팅, 방송국 분장실(헤어, 메이크업), 호텔 및 리조트 스파 테라피스트, 병원 에스테티션 및 코디네이터, 비만체형관리사, 트리콜로지스트, 조향사, 미용 및 화장품회사 교육강사, 화장품 및 미용매체 전문기자, 웨딩 산업체

      콘텐츠 담당자 : 화장품과학전공
      전화번호 : 031-740-7243
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      • 건국대학교 향장학과 졸업 (‘11) 향장학석사
      • 건국대학교 생물공학과 졸업 (‘17) 이학박사


      • 現) 을지대학교 미용화장품과학과 교수
      • 現) 을지대학교 바이오공학부 화장품과학과 교수
      • 前) 건국대학교 미래지식교육원 주임교수
      • 前) 엔프라니(주) 화장품


      • Improvement of atopic dermatitis with golden extract using a new supercritical extraction process Commercialisation of high-functional cosmetics
      • Development of a mobile-based personalised health management system for postpartum obese women
      • Clinical study on appetite control in 20-somethings through inhalation of natural plant-based fragrancee
      • Improvement of atopic dermatitis with golden extract using a new supercritical extraction process Commercialisation of high-functional cosmetics
      • Development of a mobile-based personalised health management system for postpartum obese women
      • Clinical study on appetite control in 20-somethings through inhalation of natural plant-based fragrancee


      • Gyu-Ri Kim, Dae-Yong Song, et al. Medial Forebrain Bundle Axotomy Induced Dopaminergic Neuronal Degeneration is Accompanied with Microglial Activation. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 2023, 10.18805/IJAR.BF-1674
      • Gyu-Ri Kim, CHOY, Yoon-Jung, et al. Clinical Study on the Effect of Aromatic Plants on Stress and Appetite Control in 20s Women. Asian Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology, 2023, 21.4: 709-717.
      • BAIK, Hyung-ui, et al. A keyword analysis study on postpartum obesity using big data. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18.16: 8807.
      • KU, Jung-Eun; KIM, Gyu-Ri. A Study on Factors on Postpartum Obesity and Postpartum Depression in Korea. Journal of Digital Convergence, 2021, 19.6: 429-438.
      • KIM, Jong-Hyuck, et al. Effects of 8-Week High Intensity Combined Exercise on Body Composition, Blood Lipid and CRP in Obese Middle Aged Men. Medico-Legal Update, 2020, 20.1.
      • LEE, Chang-Seok, et al. A Study on the Effect of Eclipta Prostrata Extract and MTS on the Improvement of Scalp Health and Prevention of Hair Loss for Workers in Their 20s and 30s. Medico-legal Update, 2020, 20.1.
      • NA, Eun-Ju, et al. Recent trends in anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory studies in modern health care. Technology and Health Care, 2019, 27.5: 519-530.
      • KIM, Hyun Soo, et al. Ginsenoside composition of Panax ginseng flower extracts obtained using different high hydrostatic pressure extraction conditions. Journal of Plant Biotechnology, 2019, 46.1: 56-60.
      • CHA, Hoon, et al. Clinical Study on Atopic Dermatitis and Skin Itchiness Using Cosmetics Containing Palmitoyl Oligopeptide-1, a Skin Penetrating Peptide and Intercellular Lipids.
      • KWON, Young Il, et al. Clinical Efficacy and Safety of an Anti-Cellulite Cosmetics containing high Content of Caffeine Complex and A Transdermal Penetrating Peptide.
      • KWON, Young Il, et al. A Clinical Evaluation of an Anti-Aging Cosmetics Containing Functional Peptides and an Epidermal Penetrating Peptide. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 7.
      • Heejeong Yong, et al. Embelin's apoptosis inhibition and anti-inflammatory effects. Asian Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology, 2018, 16.1: 103-112.
      • KIM, Gyu Ri; LIM, Kye Hwa. Cytoprotective effects of sinapic acid on human keratinocytes (HaCaT) against ultraviolet B. Biomedical Dermatology, 2018, 2: 1-7.